Division Sign

⸺ by Charles Iliya Krempeaux

The division sign (÷) is used to denote .

The symbol for the division sign is a horizontal bar with one dot slightly above the center of the horizontal bar, and another dot slightly below the center of the horizontal bar. The 2 dots line up vertically.


The division sign is sometimes also called the division symbol. The division sign seems to also sometimes be called an obelus — whose plural form is: obeli — although ther are other things called obelus & obeli that are not the division sign.


He is an example of the division sign in usage.

10 ÷ 5 = 2

This would read as — ten divided by 5 equals 2.

Divided By

I.e., in this context, the division sign (÷) reads as — divided by.


The division sign can be created in HTML with "÷". For example —

	  10 ÷ 5 = 2

Other Symbols And Notations For Division

Other symbols exist for . For example, the , the , the , and a horizonal-line (used in s]).

So, for example, all of these are equivalent —

10 ÷ 5

5 ) 10

10 / 5



HTML Fraction Slash

Note, if you want to use fraction like notation in HTML, you can use the HTML "⁄" entity. For example —


Really though, if you want to make it look like a fraction, you need to the HTML <sup> element and the HTML <sub> Element too. So —



You can create a fraction in notation like the following:


Note that that is using a .

See Also