Testing a Matrix for Uniform Scaling

⸺ by Charles Iliya Krempeaux

⸺ published 1996-10-20T10:00:00-07:00

This is chalenge to you guys
A 3D matrix is a great help in computing transformations. (SFSG...
From a generic matrix you can derive some properties of the transformation.

I'm interested in finding a QUICK and LINEAR way to determine if some 4x4 matriz produces a transformation in which all 3 scale factors are equal. I mean, if some object is to be transformed, it will not be deformed. An object will be grown/shrinked by the same amount in all 3 axis.

| a11 a12 a13 a14
| | a21 a22 a23 a24
| | a31 a32 a33 a34
| | 0 0 0 1
Can I create a set of LINEAR EQUATIONS on unknows aij that guaranties my condition (no deformation - equal scale factors) ???

LINEAR equations is a MUST for my problem.

See ya, Edu

One way to do it is…

Given the matrix:

	┌                    ┐
	│ a₁₁  a₁₂  a₁₃  a₁₄ │
	│ a₂₁  a₂₂  a₂₃  a₂₄ │
	│ a₃₁  a₃₂  a₃₃  a₃₄ │
	│  0    0    0    1  │
	└                    ┘

First focus the upper‐left 3×3 sub‐matrix:

	┌               ┐
	│ a₁₁  a₁₂  a₁₃ │
	│ a₂₁  a₂₂  a₂₃ │
	│ a₃₁  a₃₂  a₃₃ │
	└               ┘

Then check that this upper‐left 3×3 sub‐matrix matrix‐multiplied with its transpose gives you a matrix of the form:

	┌               ┐
	│  k    0    0  │
	│  0    k    0  │
	│  0    0    k  │
	└               ┘

(where k will end up begin your scaling‐factor)


	┌               ┐ ┌               ┐T    ┌               ┐ ┌               ┐     ┌               ┐
	│ a₁₁  a₁₂  a₁₃ │ │ a₁₁  a₁₂  a₁₃ │     │ a₁₁  a₁₂  a₁₃ │ │ a₁₁  a₂₁  a₃₁ │     │  k    0    0  │
	│ a₂₁  a₂₂  a₂₃ │ │ a₂₁  a₂₂  a₂₃ │  =  │ a₂₁  a₂₂  a₂₃ │ │ a₁₂  a₂₂  a₃₂ │  =  │  0    k    0  │
	│ a₃₁  a₃₂  a₃₃ │ │ a₃₁  a₃₂  a₃₃ │     │ a₃₁  a₃₂  a₃₃ │ │ a₁₃  a₂₃  a₃₃ │     │  0    0    k  │
	└               ┘ └               ┘     └               ┘ └               ┘     └               ┘

This makes sure that the upper‐left 3×3 sub‐matrix is orthogonal — and nicely ignores scaling but not spatial inversions so…

Then make sure that:

	               ┌               ┐
	               │ a₁₁  a₁₂  a₁₃ │
	determinant(   │ a₂₁  a₂₂  a₂₃ │   )    is positive
	               │ a₃₁  a₃₂  a₃₃ │
	               └               ┘

This makes sure that you don't invert your space/coordinate‐system.