
⸺ by Charles Iliya Krempeaux

A web-page is a resource on the , primarily meant to be viewed by humans using a .

Web-Pages are almost always (at some level) written in the , and usually provide s to other web-pages and other resources (that are usually but not always on the ). (As an example of a web-page not written in HTML — some web-pages been written in and .)


web-page is also sometimes written as webpage and web page.


The of a is (at some level) written in .

There are different varieties of , but — here is an example of a very very simple web-page written in

			<meta charset="utf-8" />
			<title>Hello world!</title>
				How do you do?

This is and typically not meant to be directly read. Typically a would be used to render this into a document which is meant for a human to read.